1. Application for re-issuance of lost business license
(1) "Application Form for Replacement, Addition (Deletion) and Re-issuance of Business License" : 1 (one) original
(2) Newspaper announcement sample: 1 (one) original (No submission is required for those who have already publicized the business license invalidation statement of the business license on the national enterprises' credit information publication system (Beijing))
(3) If the paper version business license has been obtained, its original and the duplicate shall be returned, or a letter of commitment signed by the executive partner (appointed representative): 1 (one) original. (Where the original and duplicate of the business license have all been lost (allow for supplement afterwards))
2. Application for the replacement (additional issuance) of business license (duplicate)
(1) "Application Form for Replacement, Addition (Deletion) and Re-issuance of Business License" : 1 (one) original
(2) The original business license: 1 (one) original, 1 (one) original of the duplicate(If applying for additional issuance of duplicate of business license, the business license original is not required to be submitted (allow for supplement afterwards))
1. Time
Working days: 09:00-12:00, 13:30-17:00
2. Mode and Location
Offline: Beijing Municipal Government Affairs Service Center: No. 1, South of West 3rd Ring Road, Fengtai District, Beijing (the southwestern corner of Liuliqiao)
Online: banshi.beijing.gov.cn
3. Process
(1) Acceptance of application: 1 working day
(2) Examination and decision: 1 working day
(3) Issuance and delivery of certificate: 1 working day
4. Fees
Free of charge
5. Authority in charge
Beijing Administration for Market Regulation