Shijingshan District Chamber of International Commerce Inaugurated to Foster Globalization of Industries
2023-07-04 | |
The Beijing Shijingshan District Chamber of International Commerce was inaugurated recently. The Chamber looks to internationalize industries in the region, attract resources including foreign capital and foreign trade, and build diverse channels for cooperation and exchanges, while establishing a new international platform promoting entrepreneurship and win-win cooperation. Additionally, it seeks to promote the building of the "Two Zones", i.e., China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone and Integrated National Demonstration Zone for Opening up the Service Sector, thereby propelling high-quality economic development of the district.

The Shijingshan District Chamber of International Commerce is a non-governmental, comprehensive and non-profit organization founded by key enterprises within the district which actively engaged in various business activities, including domestic and overseas trade, business exchanges, investment and cooperation. The initial members of the Chamber come from all five leading industries within Shijingshan's "1+3+1" industry system, including corporate headquarters, listed companies, leading hi-tech firms, and specialized, refined, differential and innovative enterprises. After the inauguration, the member enterprises will pull together resources from all the stakeholders, to build an effective information communication mechanism, foster mutual exchanges, facilitate international trade and cooperation, and expand channels to attract investment. These endeavors will contribute to transforming Shijingshan District into a region with an enhanced business environment, distinctive industries and integrated services.

During the inauguration ceremony, the Shijingshan District Chamber of International Commerce signed strategic cooperation agreements with prominent institutions respectively, including the Singapore Chamber of Commerce in China, Hong Kong Professionals (Beijing) Association, Cushman & Wakefield, CBRE, GDC and Shuchuang Beijing. These organizations will extend robust support to the district in business attraction and promotion, event organization, project implementation, and enterprise services, among other areas.

(Source: Beijing Daily App)