What is an ABTC?
2023-04-11 | english.bjsjs.gov.cn |

An APEC Business Travel Card (hereinafter referred to as "ABTC") is a travel document issued in accordance with the ABTC Scheme, and held by a relevant person from any of the APEC economies after his/her application for the card has been approved. The issuance of this kind of cards aims to offer convenience and facilitate business travel between ABTC holders in the APEC region. ABTC holders granted preclearance by an APEC economy do not need to make a separate application for a visa or entry permit in five years when traveling to that economy and can travel between member economies with a valid passport and an ABTC associated with that passport. Each ABTC is valid for a maximum of five years and the period of each entry to an economy can last for 60 to 90 days. ABTC holders are entitled to fast clearance at entries and exits of the main ports of each economy but cannot be exempted from the requirements of filling in various entry and exit forms when entering and leaving an economy, nor do they enjoy other privileges or immunities.